Monday 23 April 2012

Trouser 3

First of all I was inspired by the jodhpur trouser so this time I wanted to create shorts want to try something new so I did some research and collected some pictures and then I started to work on it.

Firs I take my old one Jodhpur trouser pattern and decided to make some changes in it. You can see the picture.

So from the front hipline I make the length 15cm and mark the point and I keep the hem of front almost 26cm and smooth the side seams and gave the seam allowance.

Same with the back from the hipline I keep length 15cm obviously and keep the hem line 29cm and make the smooth curve on the back and gave the seam allowances.

After that I make the waist band for the waist band I take the measurement of front and back well the measurement of the back and front was 38.3 so I count it twice like 38.3 + 38.3 = 76.6 and make the waist band pattern.

I bring the fabric our group fabric was Denim.So I bought green colour denim and first of all I press the fabric.
Then I place the pattern on the fabric and cut the patterns on fabric and got the front and back part of the trouser.

After that I stitched the back darts first of all and then I stitch the side seams on 1cm seam allowance But when I stitched the side seams I got the problem in the length of the shorts as you can see here.

Maybe cause I didn't measure from the side seam when I was making my pattern so I cut from the front which was not in my use as you can see in the picture.

And then I stitched the crotch line of my shorts.

When I was done with the crotch and side seams stitching then I started to stitch the hem line actually I wanted to show the dark colour of the fabric cause this denim was having 2 shades so I wanted to show my hem with the dark shade so I make the pattern for the hem. The Hem belt depth was 8cm same as with the waist band but for the waist band I measure the waist of my shorts and extended with the 1 cm and gave seam allowances.

When I was done with the cutting I started to stitch the Hem belt with the shorts legs as you can see in the picture.

And when I finish the shorts I asked my friend to do modelling for my shorts and she did so and it was looking so fabulous  on her as I expected to look.

-Work as a garment?
 Yes, it is wearable and a really very beautiful casual wear.
-Is it Fashion? If so why, If not why not?
 It is a fashion cause its make a women look more pretty and give a new look and obviously by new design a women get the attraction people.
-What opening did I use?
 I used hidden zip on the left Side Seam  (S.S).
-What were the problems?
 I faced the one problem on cutting the fabric the front shorts was a bit more then back around 2 cm because I didn’t measure from the side seam.
-What could I do to improve next time?
  For the next time I will keep a nice eye on my patterns.
-What was the Fabric?
  The fabric was Denim.
-How much Did I use?
 I use 2 meter.
-How much did it cost?
-Where was it sourced?
 shepherds bush

Harvard Refrences:
Fashion Trends, Jodhpur Pants, Cocktail Shorts. 2012. Fashion Trends, Jodhpur Pants, Cocktail Shorts. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17th April 2012].

Google Image Result for,%2520jodhpurs,jodhpur%2520riding%2520trouser,ethnic%2520baggy%2520pants,jodhpurs%2520male,-940x1120.jpg. 2012. Google Image Result for,%2520jodhpurs,jodhpur%2520riding%2520trouser,ethnic%2520baggy%2520pants,jodhpurs%2520male,-940x1120.jpg. [ONLINE] Available at:,%252520jodhpurs,jodhpur%252520riding%252520trouser,ethnic%252520baggy%252520pants,jodhpurs%252520male,-940x1120.jpg&w=940&h=1120&ei=eaSVT9zeEMas8gOUn5yICg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=170&sig=111027610687461966216&page=6&tbnh=141&tbnw=118&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:128,i:151&tx=50&ty=50. [Accessed 17th April 2012].

2012. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17th April 2012].

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