Monday 20 February 2012

Skirt 1 Making

First I got the 1 meter black fabric from Fancy Fabrics cloth shop in shephereds Bush, 41 Goldhawk my group as I required, after that I trace out the basic skirt front and back block.

After that I close the front dart and got the fulness on the hem and on the back skirt basic block I take the mid point of the 2 darts and measure the both dart and made out one dart,Closing the back dart as well i got fulnes on the hem in my basic skirt I wanted to do some experiment so I from the hip line I take 10cm down done procedure applied on the back skirt so I extend 6cm on the hem line of skirt on front and back as well to get little bit flare so after extended 6cm on the hem I joined to hem line to the hip line and gave the smooth curve on the hem line after that I give seam allowances on the hem line of 4cm on the side seam I give 2 cm and on the waist I give 1 cm seam allowance and on the back I give 1cm seam allowance on the Center Back (CB) for the hidden zip.Here is the picture of my skirt pattern.

When I was done with my pattern I placed my pattern on my fabric I placed my Center Front (CF) on the folded side of the fabric, then I attach the pattern with the pins to attach it with the fabric and I cut the back skirt in to 2.

 And after doing the cutting of fabric I mark my notches and made my skirt belt to give 4 cm width on both sides and added 1cm seam allowance.
 and I placed my fabric on mannequin that time it was not stitched.
 Now I started to stitch my skirt...

 I didn't know how to make button wholes in the fabric I tried to make it by my hand .
 And then I attach the hidden zip even thought I don't know how to attach the hidden zip but I tried my level best to attach it clear after that I attach it by my hand then I got neat look of hidden zip.
 After I tried it on the mannequin got really nice look of skirt.
 I was satisfied by the out look of the skirt and was very pleased to see my skirt on my mannequin.

 Then I added one more interesting thing in my skirt. I cut round shape fabric pieces in different sizes.
 Placed the all different sizes of pieces in a way and then I stitched from the middle by my hand and then I wrapped it with the thread and got the really beautiful shape of flower and placed it on the skirt .

-Work as a garment?
 Yes, it is wearable and it can be a day wear or evening wear or casual wear as well .
-Is it Fashion? If so why , If not why not?
 It is a fashion like skirts always a great part of fashion and very comfortable to wear anywhere gives you very elegance look.
-Opening Did I use?
 I used hidden zip on Center Back  (CB).
-What were the problems?
  I faced few problems like fabric was not that much good so it was really very hard to hand on the hem to     fold it,on the hidden zip side I faced a lot of difficulty cause I didst know how to attach it so I attach it with machine  and with hand sewing as well.
-What could I do to improve next time?
  For the next I will try to research on videos its a really useful way after doing my skirt I tried it and will try to make it more neat as well .
-What was the Fabric?
  Fabric was geourget linen fabric.
-How much Did I use?
 I use 1 meter.
-How much did it cost?
 Its cost me 6pounds per meter .
-Where was it sourced?
  Fancy Fabrics cloth shop in shephereds Bush, 41 Goldhawk Road.

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