Saturday 11 February 2012


First Week

In the very first class wel set up into the groups and after that teachers demonstrated us bout the 'GETTING IT WRONG TO GET IT RIGHT' like they said we dont need to stict with the perfect pattern and dress making you just need to design it by following the pattern dont care is it wrong or right maybe you will get more gud result doing it wrong and by making mistakes you will learn about your mistakes and will be a great experience for future as well so dont worry just give a start to your self was really very effective start must say that.

After that in our group we choose one person to buy the fabric but we will go together as well for the fabric research and everything to have the knowledge about the fabrics and got the task to collect the second hand cloths from shops or anywhere just need to compile it in to the resource file like cuffs, collar and pockets or what ever attract us.From that day I started to collect samples of these stuff n started to compile them into my A4 folder.

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