Wednesday 30 November 2011

Explore Creativity lecture 3

Paper Folding (Largescale)
In the next class I enlarge the 'design 6' to create more interesting 3D designs and added more shapes in the design to create interesting silhouettes.

Icreated 3D design from 2D designs and got really great results after structuring the design on the mannequin. 

                             Still doing experiments with the design to create more exciting results
Sketch the design on fashion Illustration.

This design reminds me the the dress of Jhon Gilliano.


                     According to the lecture,mixed up my design with class mate after that I really got new shapes.

Really liked this one shape after creating many shapes

                                                                I sketched the design.

 In the next step just crumpled the design and re-fix it on the mannequin.

                                                    Collection is titled 'Crumpled Paper Story',

After experiencing the crumpled design.This design out come was really amazing and remind me the origami dresses by Mauricio Velasquez Posada
                             Mauricio Velasquez Posada
                                                                              I sketched the design on the fashion illustration.
Architecture is also influenced by paper folding like in deconstructivism.


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